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Par Dacko Goudjo Gabriel du Cameroun: lauréat de la région d'Afrique Centrale du concours de rédaction ARDYIS

Le Cameroun, pays situé dans le golfe de Guinée, couvre une  superficie de 475 650 km2 comptait au 1er Janvier 2010, 19 406 100 habitants (BUCREP, 3e RGPH, 2005).

By Anthony Itodo Samuel from Nigeria: West African Regional Winner of the CTA ARDYIS Essay contest

Nigeria’s economy is overwhelmingly agrarian. In 1999 70% of Nigeria’s labor force was involved in agriculture. In 2009 agriculture accounted for 33.4% of Nigeria’s GDP, while 70% of the population lived below the poverty line in 2007.

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ICT and Youth in Agriculture in Africa (Report)